Vol.23 Fumika's Rakugo Lecture
This episode marks one full year of the program so Fumika will give a lecture of what she has learned.
Japanese traditional style comedy~is a program featuring Shinoharu Tatekawa,a famous Rakugo performer. He will introduce to us what Rakugo is, the history, and how to enjoy it. Once in a while he will even perform us a Rakugo episode.
RAKUGO ~Japanese traditional style comedy~は、落語家立川志の春さんが日本の伝統的な大衆芸能である『落語』の歴史、魅力、楽しみ方、などを紹介する番組です。ときには、英語で落語も披露します。
This episode marks one full year of the program so Fumika will give a lecture of what she has learned.
In this episode, Shinoharu Tatekawa will share messages from listeners & talk about Valentine's Day.