LOVE♥EARTH LAB 所長にスプツニ子!が就任!
EARTH×HEART LIVE 2016では、2015年に採択されたパリ協定でのCO2排出削減を受け、世界の若者と環境について考える機会に繋げたいと考えます。
LOVE♥EARTH LAB では、地球環境を改善する大胆なアイデアを募集中!
「レジ袋をもらわない」「割り箸を使わない」等、日々の積み重ねも大切ですが、もっと驚くような一気にCO2を消してしまうようなアイデアを考えてみませんか?このコーナーではそんな「ぶっ飛んだ、トンデモアイデア」を研究する専門 家のアイデアを紹介しつつ、みなさんからのアイデアも募集しています!
例えば・・・・ 宇宙空間に大きな鏡を設置して、太陽の光を反射して地球を冷まして温暖化 対策!海の中に海藻の森を作り、CO2を吸収させる!
- ●TOKYO FM BROADCASTING, connects the opportunity to think about the CO2 reduction initiative pointed out in the Paris agreement adopted in 2015 with the world of young people.
- LOVE♥EARTH LAB is currently looking for vast ideas to improve the global environment!
- It is important to show the results of day-to-day reduction such as "not to ask plastic bags at the supermarket," and "to not use the disposable chopsticks", but can we go further like with the idea of “extinguishing CO2 entirely”?
While introducing such blown-away or extreme ideas from the experts, this program is also looking for ideas from everyone!
- Let’s ask ourselves how do we stop global warming? Set up a gigantic mirror on the outer space to reflect the sun and cool down the Earth? Or create a forest of seaweed in the sea to absorb the CO2?
- Really ? How?
- We welcome eclectic and surprising views.
- We look forward to receive ideas for a large scale of environmental problems.
Please submit to the Facebook group or or
Message from Chief Reseacher Sputniko!
- ●When we talk or watch media about global environmental issues, “let’s recycle”, “have our own chopsticks” or “use eco bags”. It is obviously important in everyday life but it is not enough for me.
- Everyone just says patients we will get something done. However, we can think big about the environmental issues at stake. Actually it is also same as in science, or, in politics, and even in society or within the community.
- Since we have discussed about the environment along with youth culture. The future should be more flexible and can derive more than just ideas such as: "Let's recycle or "try to use eco-bags.” Let’s not waste our time.
- I want the debate to expand and our thoughts to inspire ideas.
- LOVE EARTH LAB, I would like to consider the environmental issues on the macro, specific point of view. LOVE EARTH LAB, let’s take this opportunity, move forward and think big about the future of the Earth.
- Waiting for a lot of ideas!